Monday, December 31, 2012

Rain, Rain, Please Don't Go Away!

For everything there is a season--this summer season has been a dry and hot one.  The weather has been brutal--hot, dry, and windy.  But--that is how it is and all that will change--at least I hope so.

Started this blog in the summer--it is now November.  In fact, it is Thanksgiving Day.  Hope you are having a grateful Thanksgiving.  Dirtman and I are spending the day taking it easy.  That is strange--but that is how it is.  Let the Thankful Declarations begin.  We have much to be thankful for.

Our "mintage" turkey is in place.  Our dinner is in the crock pot.  Yes, we are not having turkey.  Dirtman is not a fan so we are having homemade meatballs (in cranberry sauce), potatoes, salad, bread, and pecan pie.  I actually made a pecan pie--first in years.  Here are a few pictures of the day.

Mintage Turkey
So much for blogging--I have blogged three times in 2012.  Good for me that 2012 is almost over--yes, Christmas is over. . .

It was a very Merry Christmas!
 and it is New Year's Eve.  I better get with the program!

Resolution #1--Try to blog!!!!

May all the seasons be sweet to you,