For most of my early girlhood I spent every Friday night at a club that my parents belonged to. The club was a service oriented organization that supported a number of activities. It was nationally affiliated and my parents were leaders during most of their membership in the club--Dad as an officer and eventually Monarch of the men's group and my mom as an officer and drill team member of the women's group, the Sabettes.
I remember being ready as soon as they got home from work on Fridays to make a trip to May's Cafe for burgers and fries and then head off to the Saba Grotto to play bingo. Often my parents worked instead of playing--calling numbers, running winning bingo cards to the front to be authenticated, paying winners, popping popcorn and serving beverages in the concession stand, or walking among the players to give assistance as needed.
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Cards with Red Number Covers |
I have good memories of Bingo Night at the Saba Grotto. Recently my sister and I went on a quest to find the house that for years we explored every Friday night. I remembered the street name and so we headed out to see if we could find the grand old house. My sister spotted the roof when we were several blocks away--we spent quite awhile manuevering one-way streets, a freeway, and unfamiliar areas before we found it. Of course it does not look at all the same--it is a private residence now. I wish I had a picture of the house in the good old days to show you, but I have searched the web and exhausted every option I can think of. Great childhood memories were made at the Saba Grotto!
The seasons are changing--Winter is upon us and so we are wearing heavy clothes, eating soup, and cuddling up next to the fire. For me, the Winter Holidays can't come soon enough--can't wait to spend time with my son and his family. We are hanging a new stocking this year--a pink one!
Likes--reading the Jones Design Company and other inspiring blogs, chatting with my HS BFFs over last weekend, watching Coach coach basketball, hugging my cute grandaughter, and decorating for Christmas (finally--about time isn't it!)
May all the seasons be sweet to you,